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Dr Emma Weymouth is a registered Clinical Psychologist specialising in Clinical Health and Neuropsychology in the NHS and private sector supporting people in managing health conditions. Emma is also a registered Nutritional Therapist. Emma combines these skills and experience to offer a holistic and personalised approach to optimising health of body and mind.

Health is about more than just the absence of disease. It’s feeling in balance mentally, physically and emotionally. Being ‘healthy’ is not just about what you eat or how much you exercise, it also includes your relationships, your connection with your values, your sense of safety and security. Navigating our way through life can be challenging, particularly if you are managing a health condition. Navigating life with a health problem can be frustrating and tiring and your sense of ‘self’ and who you are, can get lost. My approach aims to incorporate nutritional science and psychological approaches to promote health and vitality of body and mind. 

I work with clients who wish to improve their health through nutritional therapy. For those who wish to explore psychological health in more depth I offer bespoke consultations combining my skills as a Clinical Psychologist with nutritional therapy for those clients who wish to manage their emotional health, improve cognitive health, or address patterns of unhelpful behaviours which may be barriers to creating a healthful self. 

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